This was a database I created from scratch including all data entry for a mock college. I generated many queries as well for the database.
Mock Database for Airlines
This mock database was again created from scratch, this was an extensive database with 13 tables and a few many to many relationships. I also generated a vast amount of queries to illustrate the use and structure of this database as opposed to some cloud based structures that some airline and travel websites use. I proved a business case for this as a more consistent use as opposed to cloud storage for this case.
Mock database for a non-profit (Jumpstart for Kids)
This was part of the mock database, again built from scratch, it illustrates a user defined function, again all data was entered manually and generated manually. There were thousands of rows of data for this database.
Nba Project Using Python, Pandas, Numpy, and scikit-learn
This project served to find correlations between NBA data to see which types of players contributed the most to winning, and how these shifted in the post-season and regular season.
Azure Machine Learning Studio Project
This was part of the mock database, again built from scratch, it illustrates a user defined function, again all data was entered manually and generated manually. There were thousands of rows of data for this database.